I am part of the trail maintenance crew at P-CREW. Our crew, The Cariboots, is split into two groups: trail maintenance, and cross-cut. The trail maintenance group does brush and tread work, which involves removing manzanita brush and redefining trails. A day in P-CREW look like this; going to the cash (the place we hid all the tools when we finish work), and starting off where we finished last or doing some quality control on our previous work. Next, we get to work in our tread and brush groups, and after lunch we switch. The brush crew cuts all the plants back approximately 4 feet on each side, as the tread crew moves dead stuff (duff) off the trail, while making sure water doesn’t collect. Our crew takes 2 breaks and a lunch, then we’re off at 4:30. These work days, along with our recreation days, have created great friendships for me that will hopefully last after the summer.
Written by Jasper Andrews for Project Spotlight: Summertime with PCREW.