Program One Pagers
Simplified overviews of our current programs and projects
Mass Timber and Other Innovative Wood Products in California
Dinkey Creek Collaborative Socioeconomic Monitoring Report
Amador-Calaveras Consensus Group Socioeconomic Monitoring Report
Watershed Program Study for Department of Conservation (2019)
Case Study: Tehama County Resource Conservation District(2019)
Case Study: Gualala River Watershed Council(2019)
Reports - Prior Years
Find reports dating from 2016 and earlier
Learning by Doing: Cooperative Private Lands Management in Northern California 2015
Plumas Energy Efficiency and Renewables Management Action Plan (PEER MAP) (2014)
Socioeconomic Indicators for Watersheds with application in Mariposa County, California (2010)
Lessons Learned from Northwest Economic Adjustment Initiative (2009)
Re-visioning Rural Healthcare and Addressing the needs of the Underserved in Plumas County (2008)
NEAI Assessment: Lessons Learned for American Indian Community and Economic Development (2007)
Testimony for Secure Rural Schools Act to Senate Subcommittee (2007)
Assessing Well-Being in Forest Dependent Communities (2001)
Exploring Reinvestment from a Community-Based Watershed Perspective by L. Wills and G. Gray (2001)
Effects of Displacement and Outsourcing on Woods Workers and their Families (2000)