Throughout my time at P-CREW, I’ve discovered the beauty of nature. At home, I’m a stay in-doors type of person over the weekends and during breaks. During that time, you can expect to see me just in front of my computer gaming my life away. Now, I see what I’ve been missing, nature has so much to offer! I’ve disconnected from technology and have learned to appreciate the things that nature provides for us all. It’s truly awe inspiring. Nature gives me something more meaningful by taking away the things I thought were necessities. I thought I needed my phone, electricity, a toilet, and many other things. Turns out all I really need is myself, friends, and a determined mindset. The new perspective I’ve gained from nature has impacted my experience in many ways. For one, I’m able to focus on being more present while working instead of usually worrying about what’s happening next. I’ve also learned to respect nature in all of its beauty and many forms because it provides so much life to us and keeps us sustained.
Written by Bryan Vo for Project Spotlight: Summertime with PCREW.