Future of Forests

Give Today, Change Tomorrow

Here Are Some Ways You Can Help Sierra Institute Create A Vibrant And Sustainable Future for Rural Forested Communities Across California And Beyond
Evergreen Donor Fires

Monthly gifts from our Evergreen donors are used to support much needed wildfire mitigation efforts across the Northern Sierra.

Invest in clean air, clean water, and healthy communities to improve the lives of all Californians.

Give today, change tomorrow donations image

The scale of environmental, human and economic damage caused by today's megafires requires an all-hands on-deck, comprehensive approach and science-based solutions.

Ecological forestry, prescribed fire, managed wildfire and innovative use of woody renewables are just some of the approaches your donations will help support.

At Sierra Institute, we create collaborative groups and integrative projects that include community organizations, environmental groups, California tribes, timber companies, private landowners and State and Federal Agencies. Contribute today and be part of the solution.