5:00 – 7:00 pm
Trees, Trout and Stout Town Talk, at Collins Pine Museum and lawn is sponsored by the Lake Almanor Area Chamber and Sierra Institute. Town Talks, dubbed “more social than a TED talk”, are opportunities to connect and share on a variety of topics. August 30th’s Town Talk focuses on what trees, trout and stout have in common. You’ll need to attend to find out. Wondering what a watershed is? Why it matters? This is a great opportunity to meet the local groups that are working for a healthy environment and a healthy economy. Bring the family. Enjoy appetizers, presentations, music, games and prizes, and the Chamber’s no-host wine and beer bar.
Or call 530-284-1022
Attendance is free but please register so that we know how many appetizers to prepare.
This is event is part of our Watersheds and Woodlands Weekend, an Ecotourism Event Series.
Join the Sierra Institute and the Lake Almanor Chamber of Commerce on Labor Day Weekend for an exciting event series that celebrates and explores the important natural resources of this beautiful area, culminating in a Fabulous Fireworks Extravaganza on Saturday night.